Monday, April 6, 2009

There was definitely an end-of-break gloom in the air this morning when I woke up. My friends were all back at school, and I was pretty tired from our Facebook style party last night. Alex and I went to breakfast at Perkins, and Butterfly accompanied us, but said so little that I practically forgot that he was there. Several hours later, I boarded a plane back to Lakewood.

You know, how in airplanes, you really hope that you're not sitting next to the fattest, smelliest person airborne? Well, it was just my luck, when I looked at my ticket, that I had the window seat, and the person next to me would have been the fattest man I had ever seen (except for on The Biggest Loser) if Damian wasn't taking the same plane. Since I knew him well enough to assume that he's be spending most of his time in the first class bathrooms with a pretty girl, I peeked though the curtains dividing the first class from the rest of the plane. Sure enough, ten minutes into the flight, he disappeared, and I took his spot. I didn't have to move back until the pilot called everyone back to their seats for the landing.

Neil was in our dorm when I returned, looking slightly more tanned and skimming though Things Fall Apart for English class. "Hey." He said when I came in.

"Hey." I replied. "How was the business trip?"

"Nice. My father rented a yhat. What did you do?"

"Nothing much. I just concocted an amazing plan, hung out at the mall, and ran into my worst enemy."

"Sounds like fun." Neil put down the book. "Edmund and the Zacks will be returning later tonight. Hans and Frans's flight doesn't get in till ten tomorrow."

I put my stuff down on my bed. "I've got to make a call. I'm going into the hall." And I grabbed my phone and left.

I called Xoi. After initial greetings, our conversation went something like this.

Xoi: So, should we initiate the plan?
Me: Affirmative.
Xoi: Today?
Me: Correct.
Xoi: And what if she says no?
Me: Then we use plan B.
Xoi: Plan B?
Me: I bribe Damian.
Xoi: How are you going to do that without, you know, offering your body?
Me: I'll think of something. But, remember, Saint Catherine's Academy is the sister school to Lakewood. If you can get in, you can come to Lakewood's dances.
Xoi: I'll get in, don't worry.
Me: Alright. Set plan A into motion tonight.
Xoi: Alright, HQ.
Me: You know, we really sound like we're spies.
Xoi: Maybe we are?
Me: Are you admitting to being a spy?
Xoi: If I told you that, I'm afraid I'd have to kill you.

We said our good-byes and hung up. With any luck I'd have an ally at Saint Catherine's, and, if nothing else, I'd have a friend who knows my secret close at hand.

When I came back into the room, His song was playing from Neil's speakers. I turned them off.

"Ethan?" Neil asked. "Are you OK?"

"Just don't play that song." I replied. "I can't stand it."

Neil looked at the back of the CD. "Alabaster Sunset?" He named the song.

"Yeah." I held back the venom from my voice. "I hate it."

"Why? Its got a good story about a girl who gives up everything for a guy that doesn't even like her and ends up betraying her."

"That's why." I said harshly and laid out on my bed. "I'm going to sleep."

Neil shrugged, and I felt really bad about taking out my anger on him. He--as in He--was the only one I wanted to hurt.