Wednesday, April 1, 2009

And the bell rang, releasing students from their captivity and giving them the freedom of....SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!!!!

Boys ran around, dragging suitcases, and chauffeurs drove very fancy cars into the circle drive. Hans and Frans had a sweet Mercedes-Benz, painted bright red. "We don't want to be conspicuous." Hans told me when I saw them off.

"Yeah. We should have brought the Porche." Frans sighed as if in real disappointment.

"But, then again, it is canary yellow."

The twins mulled it over for a bit, then sighed together. "The Porche would have been better." The said at the same time, said their good byes, and left.

Edmund left in a black car that was way too shiny to be just anyone's car. Taki waved energetically before getting into a Honda S2000, and all the Zachs left in a nondescript red vehicle.

Neil's plane didn't leave until an hour after mine, ten and eleven o clock respectively, so we went back into the school after seeing everyone off. The halls were eerily silent and disturbingly empty, for even the teachers were gone. If you've ever been in an empty school, you know the feeling, where every sound makes you jump about a mile and ever shadow holds a mad ax man.

I was just freaking out a little, when Neil stopped dead in front of me. I had to slam on my own breaks to avoid running into him, as he stared down the long, marble hall. "What's that?" He asked, pointing.

Fear twisted my stomach into a complex knot as I felt the blood drain from my face. I cowered behind Neil, hoping whatever it was would be content with just eating him.

"What--what the hell." His voice shook.

Even though I knew that it kills cats, I looked around Neil's back to see down the hall, curiosity getting to me. I readied myself to see something horrible, gruesome, or even supernatural, but Neil just grabbed my sides, pinched me hard, and shouted "April Fools."

I swear, if I still had that lightsaber, I would have tried my best to kill him. Instead, I punched him in the arm and ignored him the rest of the way to our dorm.

It seems that six students are staying at the school for the break. At dinner, we all sat at one table (the others were put away) and tried to April Fool each other. No one succeeded in tricking Neil, and I tried vainly to think up a great scheme to get him back with. But, for some reason, I doubt it.


  1. nondescript red vehicle? as if!... you've just never seen one before...

  2. what are you trying to say? Do you mean that its *not* nondescript?!

  3. lol maybe its foreign...

  4. then i would have said foreign. it was totally nondescript. (funny, how i'm discribing something with *non*descript)

  5. wow. you guys dont even get it... you're right, maybe i should tell them... hmmm...

  6. hay nathalie its s blank's 'lil' sis. i love it
