Saturday, May 23, 2009

The following is a text message conversation between Xoi and I.  

Xoi:  What's up?
Me: Nothing much.  I made it to the finals in the Ladies Dept.  
Xoi: Dude, it would have been really depressing if you hadn't, since you are one.  Is the final competition tonight @ Lakewood?
Me: Yeah.  It's also the same for the girls, right?  Aren't you coming over here for the last round?
Xoi: Yep.  I can't wait to see Adam.  The Kings Competition didn't have preliminaries, did it?
Me:  Nope.  I have no idea who he's going as.
Xoi:  So did anything interesting happen when you were in a dress?
Me:  Taki got a nosebleed and everyone either gaped or looked away.  I having a feeling that the boys will end up trying to dress me like a girl so they can pretend that they have some female interaction.
Xoi: Wow.
Me: I know.
Xoi: Guess what?
Me: I refuse.
Xoi: I'll tell you anyway.  I won the lounge wear event last night.
Me: OMG! That's great!  
Xoi:  I guess I look totally sexy in sweats.  
Me: You know it! GTG.  Adam's calling me to get ready.
Xoi: Good Luck!

Neil entered the dorm room at about this time, looking a little upset.  

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"It seems that I've been removed from the semi casual.  This here--"  He held up a sheet of paper, "says that I'm now in Classic Halloween.''

"Is that like ghosts and witches?"  

"I guess so."  Neil set the paper on his bed.

"What are you going to do?"

"He thought for a moment, then a small smile crept onto his lips.  "I think I know."  He said.  "It's  the girls who vote for the winner, right?"


Neil crossed over to his sword rack and took down a twisted hilt rapier.  

"Why--" I began.

"My props."  Neil cut me off.  "See you in a bit, Girl."

"Shut up!" I yelled after him as he closed the door.  Then I stood up and went to see what Adam wanted.  


  1. :) yes, we know the difference between raper and rapier. slm

  2. yep. our knowledge of shakespeare is amazing.

  3. "Neil crossed over to his sword rack and took down a twisted hilt raper" ?
    I don't even want to think about that..
