Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Pervert in the Closet and Other Tales of Terror and Suspense from Cecelia's House

In Cecelia's closet is a poster. She can't put it anywhere else: her mother won't let her hang it in a visible place. So in the closet it goes. Now the boy in the poster will always be looking down at her underwear.

When I still had long hair and when I wasn't a cross dresser, I stayed at Cecelia's house for a weekend, during which I had to shower the gross lake water off me. I had finished shampooing when I realized that there was no soap. I consequently spent twenty minutes in a towel trying to find soap because Cecelia couldn't, while her siblings looked on in horror.

Cecelia's little brother drove the boat. I was on it.

Adam. That's scary enough to be its own horror story.

Cecelia's little sister (age ten) has a dirtier mind than me.

I caught Butterfly speaking a full sentence. He told Raymond, "don't get hurt." Cecelia thought it was cute, and it reinforced her idea that they were real-life versions of Honey- and Mori-senpai. I dropped my fishing rod in shock and it floated away, only to be picked up by Adam. Both aspects of that story scared me.