Sunday, August 2, 2009


Suffice it to say, the morning of July the thirty, Neil's birthday, did not go so well. After trying to get Ishtar to stop crying and Ray asking why it was so bad for people to sleep in the same bed, Cecelia, the other guests staying at Neil's house, and I went to breakfast, which was a splendid affair during which I probably gained at least two pounds. The birthday boy, however, was not present. Adam said he was training at the gym and probably wouldn't be back til mid morning.

"You should go riding." He suggested. "How often to you get to ride horses descendant from the Arabian stallions that the pharaohs used to pull their chariots?"

So, even Neil's horses were from prestigious families. I really didn't fit in well here.

But, I did fit quite nicely in a pair of riding breeches. Unfortunately, I fit so well in them that my feminine legs were quite apparent. I told the maid who brought the pants that I suddenly remembered my severe allergy to hay, and I'd have to decline the invitation to ride.

Eventually, four o' clock rolled around, and the maid returned with a perfectly fitted (for a guy, at least) three piece suit. I dressed and met Cecelia, looking beautiful in a purple silk dress, in the hallway.

"Shall we?" I asked.

"We shall, Ethan."


  1. Purple is the best color so a sexy lady.

  2. Ahhhhh please keep the entries coming.
    I wish I hadn't started reading this until you had finished.
    I'm a very impatient reader... hahah :)
